Sunday, March 23, 2008

It's Spring and I've been Born Again!

So much regeneration!

I recently had a rather traumatizing experience involving the death of my much-loved computer, the silver sharp. As I leaned over its cold and powerless body, deperately pressing and re-pressing the power button, slowly realize that he was truly gone, somewhere in the abck of my mind I made a promise to the cosmoses: if we get out of this in one piece, i will start blogging again.

I got out, silver sharp did not. My hope is that he is currently being dismantled somewhere in Quincy, Massachusetts by some computer-man who is beign payed to care about the thousands of songs beingheld captive by the lifeless form that is my harddrive. Triste. Anyhow, I decided to re-restart blogging regardless. Plus, this is looking like a fun and funny season to be tapped into the interweb: trends galore!

So stay tuned you, you who just accidentally stumbled onto this blog for god knows what reason. You just made the best mistake of you life.

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