Thursday, August 16, 2007

A response to these questionable trends

The special sauce tends to think this whole baby in purse trend is somewhat less than good due to the danger imposed by toting one's tot in one's Louis V.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Questionable Trends

As if yippy dogs were not enough...Today, as I was strolling on the beach, I spotted...wait for it...wait for it...a woman with a --get this-- a baby in her purse. That's right, a real live, quasi-talking baby!!!!! And even more suprising, the baby was having a ball in there!! When asked if it wanted to get down and walk on its own, the baby refused! Hahahahaha. I can't wait for the pics of Nicole's baby being toted in...what do we think...Hermes?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Ideas that were less than good

After an eventful weekend catching rays on Lucy Vincent, taking moderately paced strolls, and eating my fair share of chilmark's finest chocolate, I thought I'd recount some ideas had by a special friend, which were less than good.
1. Mixing chocolate lactaid with a small gulp of rose.
2. Resealing the bottle of rose with wax from the citronella candle.
3. Toasting bread over that same citronella candle.
4. Eating said bread.
While we all have ideas that are less than good, thoughtful consideration of the consequences of one's actions can easily prevent disasters such as the napkin fire of 2007. In fact, I have been known to toast a marshmallow or two over a citronella candle in a pinch. Despite the lingering cough spurred by the citronella flavored marshmallow, I accept that once in a while it is not so bad to have an idea that is less than good.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Yummy yummy fish man

Seaweed salad deserves a lot more respect than it gets. Give it more.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

J'adore the environment

You know what are devils? Bikes. They are devils: 1) when you are walking 2)when you are driving 3) when you are remembering a dabolical (sp?) encounter that took place when you were either walking or driving. When you are walking a bike is devilish because it can run you over, and sometimes it comes very close to doing so. When you are driving, a bike is devilish because you could hit it, which would generate inordinate amounts of guilt and therapy time.
Unfortunately, everyone this bikes are quite angelic because they save so much energy and have almost zero carbon emissions. Even I think bikes are angelic. Dammit.
So in short, watch out for devil bikes. They'll get you.